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Green Roots in Tipton
Multistory & Energy Saving Trust

Young people and children in Tipton were invited to design, print, and handwrite postcards advocating for the preservation of green spaces and reflecting their thoughts on climate change and the natural world.

The intention was to create small yet impactful artworks that not only express personal messages but also inspire others share messages into the wider community, much like postcards have done for centuries as keepsakes and connections across time and geography.

Working with the Bangladeshi Women’s Association and Life in Community groups, participants experimented with and learnt how to screen print using images from the local area combined with more painterly approaches, whilst engaging in conversation around their local environment. For two of the workshops, we were also joined by the Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust, who delivered nature-themed activities, including making bird-feeders and seed-bombs, and creating leaf garlands and wands.

Funded through the Energy Saving Trust, for more information visit Multistory’s website.